Discord testing youtube

Testing Discord Server – YouTube

Discord testing YouTube integration to let you watch videos with pals | Rock Paper Shotgun

23.09.2021 — Discord has started testing official YouTube integration with a feature named Watch Together which lets users stream YouTubevideos in a …

Discord has started testing official YouTube integration with a feature named Watch Together which lets users stream YouTubevideos in a voice channel.

(Tutorial) How to use Discord testing clients? – YouTube

Discord is testing official YouTube integration | PC Gamer

22.09.2021 — Discord is testing official YouTube integration … A new feature called “Watch Together” is reportedly available on a very small number of …

Less than a month after YouTube sent two popular music bots to the big digital scrapheap in the sky, Discord has reportedly begun testing official YouTube integration. The Verge says that the new feat

discord test – YouTube

Discord and YouTube integration now in testing – GamerBraves

vor 13 Stunden — Unlike screen sharing, the feature is more specific to YouTube where Discord server members can create a playlist of videos on the video sharing platform by …

With music bots shut down, native Discord and YouTube integration is now in testing.

Keywords: discord testing youtube